Pecorino Frescoverde  with Vegetable Rennet

Frescoverde is a very fresh and tasty pecorino cheese with a soft and elastic texture. It is treated on the surface with extra virgin olive oil and a mix of selected Mediterranean aromatic herbs: rosemary, mint, sage, savory, basil and coriander. The use of vegetable rennet, extracted from the flowers of the thistle (Cynara cardunculus), gives it a sweet, slightly acidic taste that goes well with the milky flavour of the paste. The edible rind is a further strength of this pecorino, which is particularly appreciated by those who follow a vegetarian diet.


Abbinamenti consigliati

Valdobbiadene DOCG
Wild Berries
India Pale Ale


Jen Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Milk EWE– Cod. FVRP
Weight Kg 1,500
Cheese Ripening 15-30 days
Unità d’acquisto 2 or 4 pcs/ box
Conservation +4 / +8°C
Shelf Life 120 days